If you are looking for a way to improve your fitness without making major changes to your diet or exercise routine, microdosing may be the answer. Microdosing is the practice of taking small, regular doses of a substance, typically a medication or supplement, in order to achieve desired effects. However, when it comes to FITNESS, microdosing can be used to:
· improve performance
· increase energy levels
· reduce recovery time
For example, you can use the JAB 365 Bag daily for 10 minutes to help improve your fitness level while at the same time building healthy habits. So, if you are looking for a way to improve your fitness without making major changes to your lifestyle, microdosing may be the answer!
Here is a microdosing workout you can try with your JAB 365 Bag:
Warm-up (30 secs/6 exercises)
Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
Jack Knife
Trunk Twists
Butt Kicks
Workout (6 rounds/30 secs on/15 secs rest)
Round 1 Burpees
Round 2 Jab – Cross – Jab - Cross (Dominant Side)
Round 3 Rear Lunge w/ Kick to bag (Left Leg)
Round 4 Burpees
Round 5 Jab – Cross – Jab - Cross (Non-dominant Side)
Round 6 Rear Lunge w/ Kick to bag (Right Leg)
*Make sure to breathe out through your mouth with your punch and kick.
Cool down (30 secs/5 exercises)
Hamstring/Calf Stretch
Quad Stretch
Cobra Stretch
Groin Stretch
Child’s Pose
*Remember to breathe.
Take a JAB AT IT!